Business insights
Weekly flash reports for timely financial review
We at NDA dig out the weekly details buried within your data and assemble them in one
place for getting clear picture of your business operations.
Flash reports for quick insights
Weekly flash reports represent critical company operation and financial state, which is used in the ongoing operations of your business.
We at NDA create all types of weekly flash reports that range from a cloud kitchen, café to a manufacturing company for evaluating its book-to-bill ratio every week.
Whether you need weekly finished goods inventory levels or daily sales reporting, our flash reports services are designed as per your business requirements.
We use customizable templates that are out of the box and liked by the C-level executives of the company.
Our Expertise
Accurate Data analyzation
User-friendly graphs and insights
Customized flash reports as per business standards
High-quality Data Visualization
We use high-quality and user-friendly charts with enchanting graphs that can be generally
distributed weekly or monthly and are broken down into these three sections,
- Liquidity
- Productivity
- Profitability